23 Oct 2009
Read more23 Oct 2009
Face one - view large
Face two - view large
Face three - view large
Face four - view large
Face five - view large
Face six - view large
21 Oct 2009
This photo was a page of type on display at the Frieze Art Fair. Only changed levels and contrast then desaturated it.
This photo was taken outside the Royal Academy of Art. You can see where I am stood thanks to the flash.
Photo three was taken on the escalator in the Tube. - view large
28 Sep 2009
Lichtenstein was an American pop artist who was born in 1929 in Manhattan. He worked with oil and Magna paint. His works where comentaries on the way mass media portrys his theme, he used comic strips created by others as the basis for much of his work. They rarely recive any credit. I like Lichtenstein because of the strong influence of colour in his work, without it the paintings lose there emotion. Mouse over right to see black and white.
You could say that Lichtenstein was stealing the emotion from the comic book artists, and crafting it into his own...
22 Sep 2009
22 Sep 2009
25 minutes in Illustrator, plus a few extra reference photograps.
19 Sep 2009
After being tasked with buying a magazine that I wouldn't normally read I purchased Star magazine. Priced at 85p it doesn't really win any prizes for high qualitly type setting. It does even make any real effort with regards to layout. I decided to redesign the cover and several spreads from inside.
The front page of Star has a handful of issues.
16 Sep 2009
In the beginning - In the early 20th century the camera, an invention from the 19th century, was becoming a popular tool for capturing moments of time within a near perfect monochrome print. Where we would have previously commissioned a portrait or simply written about important events, with the revolution of the camera we could now see an exact replica of one selected moment in time. This moment of time has been selected by a photographer, the photographer was now...
16 Sep 2009
On the 9th of September 1899 Gyula Halász was born Brassó, He would later become now as Brassaï, which means from Brassó.
Brassaï studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, he then served in the first World War. After the war he found work as a journalist in Paris where he live in the Montparnasse Quarter.
His first book, Paris de nuit, or Paris by night was published in 1933. Bellow are by favourite photographs from it.
13 Sep 2009
A Portrait of Samuel Beckett by Jane Brown
This Photograph of Samuel Beckett was taken by Jane Brown. Beckett was a writer born in Ireland in 1906.
When we first look at the photograph our eyes a pulled strait to Samuel Beckett, the subject. The wooden planks on the right point towards his face, and the absolute black the surrounds him focuses the audience on his face. Becketts deep wrinkles guide our eyes. The furrows on his brow channel our eyes toward his, as do the lines around his eyes and mouth.